Advance Care Planning
Advance care planning is for all adults 18 and older. It is talking about future healthcare decisions if you have a sudden event such as a serious accident or illness and are unable to make your own decisions. Who would make decisions for you, if you couldn’t make them for yourself? This person is called a healthcare agent. It is important to write down your goals, values and preferences on a durable power of attorney for healthcare form, along with a healthcare directive form. These documents should be updated regularly and shared with your healthcare providers and loved ones. We can help you with these forms at no cost.
Advance Care Planning Helps You:
Think about your values and wishes.
Consider future healthcare decisions that may need to be made on your behalf.
Talk about the choices with your loved ones and your doctor.
Make a written plan designating your healthcare agent.
What is a Healthcare Agent?
A healthcare agent is a person you choose to make future medical decisions for you if you are unable to speak for yourself.
Who Should I Select as My Healthcare Agent?
- Willing and able to be your healthcare agent.
- Understand what you would want and speak up for your wishes when you can’t speak for yourself.
- Able to handle tough decisions at difficult times.
What Happens if I Don't Have a Designated Healthcare Agent?
In Washington State, if patients are unable to make medical decisions for themselves, then the order is:
- State-appointed guardian (if any)
- Healthcare agent (per DPOAH)
- Spouse or registered domestic partner (even if separated)
- Adult children (all must agree on care)
- Parents
- Adult siblings (all must agree on care)
More information is available here.
What Should I Do Next?
- Schedule a free appointment by contacting our advance care planning coordinator at (509) 433-3010. You can also ask your doctor for a referral for advance care planning assistance.
- Talk with your potential healthcare agent.
- Complete an advance directive form:
- Document your wishes and share your documents with your medical team and all those close to you.
- To learn more about advance care planning and advance directives, please view/print our helpful guide available here.
The Six "D's"
Your wishes may change as your life circumstances and experiences change. You should review your plans and choices whenever any of the six "D's" occur:
After the DEATH of a loved one
When you receive a new DIAGNOSIS
If you have a DECLINE in your health
If you moved have DISTANCE
“Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it right now.” – Alan Lakein