Emergency Services
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, go to the emergency room at your nearest hospital:
Chest pain/discomfort
Severe abdominal pain
Symptoms of stroke (slurred speech, facial droop, one sided body weakness)
Alcohol or drug withdrawal
Anaphylaxis reaction
Asthma (severe)
Bleeding (uncontrollable)
Burns (severe, blistering, greater than the size of your hand)
Coughing/vomiting blood
Dizziness of fainting
Fever in infants younger than 3 months
Fracture (bone showing)
Headache (severe)
Major head injury
Ingestion of poisonous or obstructive objects
Pregnancy complications
Rapid or irregular heartbeat
Shortness of breath
Suicidal thoughts
Where to Go for Care?
You should use a hospital's emergency room for serious or life-threatening problems. However, when you need care quickly but don’t require emergency services, please visit our DirectCare clinics.
You Should Go to DirectCare for These Conditions:
Asthma attach (still able to complete full sentences)
Burns (minor redness, swelling, no blisters, less than the size of your hand)
Colds, flu, fever
Cough, sore throat, ear ache
Cut/laceration (minor-possible stitches needed)
Fracture (no visible bone)
Head injury (no loss of consciousness, no confusion or memory loss)
Insect bits
Pink eye
Sprains or strains
Urinary tract infections