Palliative Care
Facing a serious illness can be an emotional and challenging experience for both the patient and their family and friends. Palliative care at Confluence Health is provided using a team approach and is offered along with all other appropriate forms of medical treatment, including curative intent.
Our palliative care team includes specially trained physicians, nurses and social workers who work together with your primary physician to improve your quality of life. Working closely with the patient’s primary doctor, we provide individual, coordinated care. Your team’s communication, combined with excellent medical care, will enable you to maintain the most comfortable, independent and active life possible as you define and understand it.
- Improve symptom management.
- Enhance communication.
- Facilitate complex medical decision making.
- Establish advance care plan if indicated or requested.
- Reduce psychosocial and spiritual suffering.
- Discuss prognosis if indicated or requested.
- Coordinate care across continuum.
Request a Consultation:
Tell your doctor that you would like a consultation that includes you, your family and the Palliative Care team from Confluence Health. Consultations can take place during your hospital stay or when you visit our clinic.
For More Information:
Hours: Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone: (509) 436.4008
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